
Email is one of the most fundamental pieces of identity on the internet. This page contains a curated list of links to service providers that I've played with. The goals I have in mind when looking at email providers are:

  • Can I sign up for an account with Tor, or do I get stopped-out by Captchas and other tor-unfriendly obstacles?
  • Do I need a pre-existing email address in order to sign up for the service?
  • If a paid service, can I pay with a cryptocurrency (preferably BCH)?

Hosts Matching Above Criteria:

None. I have yet to find a single email host that meet the three criteria above. If you know of any that do, please reach out to me on Twitter.

Hosts Evaluated:

  • - Requires cell phone or use of Paypal or Credit Card to verify humanity. Does not allow cryptocurrency.
  • - Cash payment option, but no cryptocurrency payment option.
  • - blocks signup with a captcha.
  • - requires a pre-existing email address.
  • - blocks signup with a captcha.
  • - Requires a pre-registered domain name. Maybe feasible after this hurdle is overcome?
  • - Requires a cell phone to receive text messages.
  • - blocks signup with a captcha.
  • - blocks signup with a captcha.
  • - Looked good at first, but kept navigating me in circles without the ability to create or pay for account.